In June this year, the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA) launched an online learning course on how to audit government’s performance in managing oil and gas contracts, on the AFROSAI-E Learning Portal (ALP). We are very pleased to inform you that this course is now also available in Arabic and French. Auditors from SAIs in … Continue reading “E-learning programme on auditing governments’ performance in managing oil and gas contracts – Now also available in French and Arabic”

Natural Resource Governance and Development: Policies and Practice Online phase: October 2020 – January 2021 Residential phase: 15th – 20th February 2021, NADEL-ETH Zurich, Switzerland Applications close: 31 July 2020 Course structure and methodology This advanced-level multi-stakeholder course is designed to equip a pool of exceptional individuals from government, civil society, media and others, with … Continue reading “Natural Resource Governance and Development: Policies and Practice”

An online course on how to audit government’s performance in managing oil and gas contracts has been launched on AFROSAI-E’s Learning Platform (ALP). Auditors from SAIs who want to increase or test their knowledge in this field can use this course for free, at their convenience. The online course is in English and will be … Continue reading “Launch of online course: How to audit government’s performance in managing oil and gas contracts”

WGEI Workplan 2020 – 2022 Posted by WGEI On Jan 13, 2020

WGEI in its first six years of existence implemented 2 Workplans and made substantial progress in achieving the above objectives. WGEI is now embarking on its third Workplan which will cover the period 2020 – 2022. This Workplan will build on the achievements from the 2 previous Workplans, and introduce new projects aimed at achieving … Continue reading “WGEI Workplan 2020 – 2022”

The International Training Programme on “Audit of Extractive Industries” of the Global Training Facility (GTF), a joint collaboration between the SAI, India and INTOSAI-WGEI will be held from 16th to 28th March, 2020 at International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED), Jaipur, India better known as “Pink City” to the external world. We … Continue reading “International Training Programme (ITP) on “Audit of Extractive Industries” – 16th to 28th March, 2020 at International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED), Jaipur, India”

WGEI AT XXIII INCOSAI Posted by WGEI On Oct 29, 2019

The WGEI Chair and Secretariat attended the XXIII INCOSAI that was held from 23rd to 27th September 2019 in Moscow, Russia. (You can access INCOSAI documents here – The Congress endorsed two WGEI products namely the Briefing Note on the Role of SAIs in the Governance of Extractive Industries, and the Training Framework for … Continue reading “WGEI AT XXIII INCOSAI”

In collaboration with the Office of the Auditor General of Norway (OAGN), WGEI, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) International Secretariat organized a workshop on extractive industries, gathering representatives from EITI, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) from the Anglophone African region. The countries represented include Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, … Continue reading “EITI-SAI workshop, Addis Ababa 14th – 15th October, 2019”

The INTOSAI Working Group on Audit of Extractive Industries (WGEI) in collaboration with AFROSAI- E (AFRICAN ORGANISATION OF SUPREME AUDIT INSTITUTIONS – ENGLISH (AFROSAI-E) is happy to announce a training course dedicated to understanding and auditing management of Production Sharing Agreements/Contracts (PSAs). The training will be most relevant to SAIs in countries that implement the PSA … Continue reading “Production Sharing Agreements/Contracts (PSAs) Course, 3rd – 7th February 2020, Pretoria, South Africa”

EI Training Framework Posted by WGEI On Sep 23, 2019

The objective of the Training Framework is to create an Extractive Industries knowledge base which is designed to strengthen the capacity of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to carry out high quality audits in the Extractive Industries thereby promoting transparency, accountability and good governance of the sector. The Training Framework will be used as a guide … Continue reading “EI Training Framework”

Briefing Note Posted by WGEI On Sep 23, 2019

This briefing note aims to provide external stakeholders and the public a quick overview of the role of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and how SAIs can contribute to good governance in the extractive industries sector. Download – English Version Download – Arabic Version Download – Spanish Version