
With the assistance of the GIZ Academy for International Co-operation, SAI representatives from Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia gathered in Germany I June to exchange experience and build competence in audit of the extractive industries. Colleagues from SAI Brazil, SAI Estonia and the EITI secretariat in Oslo also contributed to the event, … Continue reading “Seven African SAIs gather for regional EI training”

The EI Value Chain: Possible Audit Topics Posted by WGEI On Aug 25, 2015

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) can play a role in ensuring that countries reap maximum benefits from the EI sector and keep negative effects to a minimum. The type of audit to be carried out will depend on the competency level at SAI, their audit mandate, access to relevant data, the maturity of government institutions and … Continue reading “The EI Value Chain: Possible Audit Topics”